Thursday 1 November 2007

A good reason to vote Green...a future

A vote for the Greens is an opportunity to send a strong and direct message to the major political parties that urgent decisive action addressing climate change is needed. It is a double value vote with the full value being passed on to who ever you choose as number two on your ballot paper.

As a scientist I am in no doubt that our future is hanging in the balance and this election is at a critical time. There is no real leadership being taken by the major parties to address the current climate chaos creating conditions that are jeopardising not only our children’s future but the world as we know it today.

At a recent forum in Newcastle, CSIRO scientists outlined the findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and it was truly scary. Climate change is happening. It is happening in line with the worst case models and there is still more change to come due to the expansion of the global economy being fuelled by coal fired energy, the lag that exists in the global climate system and fewer forests to soak up the greenhouse gases. You have to wonder ‘why are the major parties fiddling while the planet warms’? The Greens oppose the expansion of the coal industry and federal takeover of ports to accelerate coal exports.

The claims that Australia’s economic future depends upon ‘coal business as usual’ are not true. Australian wind technologies are delivering huge profits in Germany, Australia’s competitive edge on solar panel production has been reduced to a mere ray of hope for industry support. The Greens support the creation of a regional hub of sustainable and renewable energy industries in the Hunter. The Charlton electorate is well placed and has the professional capacity to be a part of this new energy future.

The only hope we have to ensure our future is to demand action on addressing climate change. It is up to the community to take the leadership role on this issue and that can happen by voting Green in both houses. A Green vote for the Senate will ensure that there is a diversity of political debate and a progressive and independent body. This is the only possibility for taking real action on climate change.

The Greens policies are underpinned by the principles of Social & Economic Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Ecological Sustainability and Peace, Nonviolence & Disarmament. It is a party that has a true belief in empowering people, respect for all and I urge you to look at the rest of the policies at Most sincerely Suzanne Pritchard , Greens Candidate for Charlton

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